abaqus python scripting

Abaqus/CAE Plug-ins/Scripts

4RealSim has a team with decades of experience in developing Python scripts. Contact sales@4realsim.com to ask for our help to automate tasks in Abaqus/CAE.

Abaqus Python scripting

Scripting in Abaqus is done with Pyhon and is a powerful way to replace manual tasks and thus helps reducing working hours.

Dassault Systemes has various scripts available that can directly be used by the Abaqus customers. Some of these scripts are old, but they can still be useful for typical applications, or for reference purposes.

Do you want to start with scripting, you can read this page.

Plugins from the Online Repository – QA00000008694

Click here to go to the online repository

  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to create orbit plots from rotor dynamic analysis results
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in for Automatic Creation of Honeycomb Structure Models
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in for creating exterior node set and surface
  • Abaqus/Viewer plug-in to write nodes and elements displayed in the viewport to an input file
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to manage step dependent objects
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in for defining bolts, nuts and washers and placing them into an existing Abaqus/CAE model
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to save RMISES results to the output database
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to plot contour integrals for conventional and XFEM crack analyses
  • Abaqus/CAE Plug-in utility for CZone for Abaqus (CZA)
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to create an airfoil part by importing point cloud data from Eblade
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in for importing bearing properties from ROMAC bearing software
  • Abaqus/CAE Plug-in utility to unwrap a cylindrical shell orphan mesh into a flat mesh and create 2D geometry
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in utility to calibrate Nitinol material behavior
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to efficiently assign section properties, element types, and meshes to a large number of parts
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in utility to generate a 3D cylindrical model from an axisymmetric part
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to plot multiple paths in the Visualization module
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to create a new part from picked cells of an existing 3D part
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to calculate A, B and D matrices and equivalent extension and bending moduli for composite lay-ups
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in for creating landing gear models
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in utility to create an axisymmetric part from a 3D part
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to wrap a flat 3D mesh into a cylindrical shape
  • Creating custom material calibration plug-ins in Abaqus/CAE
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in utility to change curve refinement setting for all parts in a model
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to automatically generate point-to-point springs, dashpots, or MPC constraints
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in utility to save and apply current display during a session
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to save viewer plot options
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to create direct steady state dynamic analyses based on octave band width frequencies
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to calculate octave band sound transmission loss
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to dump model and output database into XML
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in application to visualize contact pressure and frictional stress total force vector
  • Abaqus/CAE kernel plug-in to color parallel domains created by Abaqus/Explicit
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to save display groups
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to export and import beam section profiles
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to export and import sketch background images
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to compute the discrete Fourier transform of time history data
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to export and import X-Y data
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in for creating node and element sets in the Visualization module
  • Manager dialog template for Abaqus/CAE plug-in development
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to export and import paths
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to export and import custom views
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to export and import material and section information
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in for XML-based export and import of session-specific settings
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in application to save curve refinement settings
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in application to visually compare results from two output databases
  • How can I perform Boolean operations on nodes and elements sets in Abaqus/CAE
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to export and import views
  • Abaqus/CAE Plug-in for Logical-Physical Modeling with DymolaPlug-in utility to automatically mesh parts and instances in Abaqus/CAE
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in application for processing cyclic test data of filled elastomers and thermoplastics
  • Converting NASTRAN CDH/SPOT definitions to Abaqus mesh-independent fasteners
  • Creating sound transmission loss output in acoustic analyses
  • Utility for high-pass filtering
  • VCCT for Abaqus plug-in utility
  • Saving field output created in Abaqus/Viewer
  • Computing Modal Assurance Criteria
  • Defining an offset for node and element labels
  • Importing NASTRAN bulk data files into Abaqus/CAE
  • Visualizing damage in connector elements
  • Computing Head Injury Criteria in Abaqus/Viewer
  • Creating slide line definitions
  • Computing Component Contribution Factor (CCF) and Component Modal Contribution Factor (CMCF) for quantifying brake squeal modes
  • Verifying energy ratios
  • Computing the sum of reaction forces
  • Plotting nodal trajectories in Abaqus/Viewer
  • Extracting two-dimensional parts from meshes in Abaqus/CAE
  • Resetting the default curve colors for XY plotting
  • Automatically converting NASTRAN spotweld definitions to Abaqus fastener definitions
  • Converting nominal plastic stress-strain data to true stress-strain data
  • Creating WAV files from the results of an acoustic analysis
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in to generate a spur or helical gear
  • Abaqus/CAE plug-in for creating Campbell diagrams

Abaqus Translator/Interface

Abaqus to JPost

Date: Nov 2007
What does it do: Export data from Abaqus ODB to JPost J-Integral analysis program

Abaqus/CAE Post-processing

Abaqus-Plugin Sum RF

Date: June 2022
What does it do: Sum the reaction forces of many nodes in postprocessing for every increment of each (active) general step. Afterwards xy-plots can be created from the generated curves, so you can see the evolution of the overall reaction force at a boundary condition.

Color Legend

Date: Oct 2007
What does it do: Add a ‘Color Legend’ to the viewport in the Visualization module for the displayed model color attribute.

ODB reduction

Date: Aug 2007
What does it do: Reduce the size of odbs. This is achieved by generating an ’empty’ odb (using a datacheck analysis) and adding selected frames and variables to the odb.

ODB Splitter MKII

Date: Oct 2008
What does it do: Reduce the size of ODBs. This is achieved by generating an ’empty’ ODB by carrying out a datacheck and selecting the variables and frames and, if required, regions of the model which are to be written to the ’empty’ ODB. It should be noted that Frame 0 of the first step is generated automatically by the datacheck.

Import csv

Date: Nov 2005
What does it do: Read arbitrary nodal or elemental scalar data from a comma-separated text file and store it as a new result step in the specified odb. The input format is fairly flexible since it uses python regular expressions and any column headings are preserved as field variable names in the odb.

Odb to Excel

Date: Jan 2006
What does it do: Open and read an ODB file and creates a series of Excel files containing plots. It also preforms a transformation of the stress from x,y,z into cylindrical coordinates.

Transform UR from rad to deg

Date: Dec 2007
What does it do: Read an odb and for each frame of each step compute the UR field in degrees and add it back to the step as the new field variable URDEG.

Abaqus/CAE Pre-processing (Meshing)

Interactive Mesh Refinement Tool

Date: June 2010
What does it do: Interactively modify a meshed region of a part by specifying a refinement factor. The selected edge is reseeded with the specified factor and the part remeshed.

Nodes & Elements numbering offset – QA00000008773

Date: 2010
What does it do: Set an Offset for Node and Element Labels

Mesh to Geometry

Date: 2008
What does it do: Generate geometry from mesh files.

Abaqus/CAE Usability

Cleanup Model

Date: June 2022
What does it do: Delete unused instances and parts in the Abaqus/CAE model.

Connection Builder

Date: June 2022
What does it do: Reduce the time needed to build connections that consist of the combination of Coupling+Connector+Coupling. This is quite common for virtual bolt and pins, but it can be used for anything of that kind.

Recreate Assembly

Date: March 2022
What does it do: For a selected instance, it detects the corresponding part and then compares all other parts against it. If geometrically identical parts are found, it replaces all instances of those parts with instances of the initial part.

Remove Instances

Date: March 2022
What does it do: Remove instances via viewport actions

Set Curve Refinement

Date: June 2022
What does it do: Automatically set a curve refinement level for all geometrical parts in the assembly.

Surface Force

Date: June 2022
What does it do: Aply a general force to faces instead of nodes/points.


Date: June 2022
What does it do: Create Couplings and their Reference Points (RP)


Date: July 2004
What does it do: Automatically rotate the displayed model by the specified parameters.

Amplitude Plot Tools – QA00000009200

Date: July 2004
What does it do: Visualize amplitudes or material data curves in Abaqus/CAE before running the analysis.


Date: December 2007
What does it do: Calculate the distance of a node from a planar element.

Get Entity Size

Date: Augustus 2006
What does it do: Obtain the geometry entity size by picking the geometry in the viewport

Hide Mesh

Date: March 2005
What does it do: Remove part cells from display based on meshing technique (Free, Structured, Sweep).

Rotate View Tools

Date: April 2005
What does it do: Rotate a model view by increment or sliders.

Rotate view using slidebars

Date: March 2005
What does it do: Rotate the view using slide bars for the x, y and z-direction rotations.


Date: February 2005
What does it do: Rotate a model by a set angle around model axes.

Spotlight tool

Date: April 2007
What does it do: Highlight part instances, materials and sections in ABAQUS/CAE.

Supress/Remove features

Date: June 2005
What does it do: Suppress or delete instances by picking from the viewport

Generate Display Groups v0.3

Date: July 2005
What does it do: Automatically generate Display Groups from all sets and surfaces contained in a Model.

Abaqus/CAE Utilities

Units Converter

Date: March 2005
What does it do: Convert common units within ABAQUS/CAE.

Abaqus Utilities

Edit Implementation of queuing through abaqus_v6.env

Date: January 2005
What does it do: Extend PBSQueue class to define ‘LinuxCluster’ queue that submits a job through ‘pbs’ queue system using ‘qsub’ command


Date: December 2003
What does it do: Collection of mostly linear algebra functions useful for post-processing.

Abaqus/CAE Pre-processing (Datum)

Create datum by intersection

Date: Nov 2007
What does it do: Create datum features at the intersection of two entities.

Abaqus/CAE Pre-processing (Part)

Create Washer Part

Date: December 2004
What does it do: Create a simple washer part using user specified parameters.

Abaqus/CAE Materials

Creep Material Evaluation

Date: December 2007
What does it do: Evaluate the material constants for either the time or strain power law creep model. The user supplies material data (time, against creep strain) taken for different stresses.

Materials Importer & Exporter – QA00000008520

Date: 2007
What does it do: Save material and section information for next sessions.

Abaqus/CAE Custom Applications

Design Study Interface

Date: February 2008
What does it do: A simplified Abaqus/CAE interface for users to rapidly build models for some basic analyses using a step-by-step workflow that is defined in a single interface. The DSI is convenient for Design Engineers that may not be familiar with or require all the advanced capabilities and options that are available in the standard Abaqus/CAE interface.


Date: December 2003
What does it do: Automatically setup and submit multiple Abaqus analysis jobs based on user-specified mesh seed size and increment for part instances of a model in Abaqus/CAE. The ‘Mesh Study’ dialog box is created by the custom app and it can be used to specify the minimum, maximum seed size and the increment for each part instance of the selected model in Abaqus/CAE.


Date: Dec 2007
What does it do: Show how the Abaqus/CAE application can be constructed from scratch using the standard CAE modules.


Date: November 2003
What does it do: Show how the Abaqus/Viewer application can be constructed from scratch using some standard and some modified CAE modules.

Bolt App Variants

Date: January 2008
What does it do: Contains 7 variations of the ‘Bolt Application’. These examples are useful for learning the GUI Toolkit and show the different methods for including custom functionality in Abaqus/CAE.

BoltApp Web

Date: December 2003
What does it do: An extension of the Bolt Application that uses a browser based form for specifying the model and analysis parameters.

Abaqus/CAE Workflow

Drop Module Plug-in

Date: July 2008
What does it do: Change the drop angle of part instances and/or rigid surface. Impact velocity can be calculated based o­n the input height and assign to the part instances.

Weibull Analysis

Date: Augustus 2006
What does it do: Calculate a Weibull failure probability of a model.

Abaqus/CAE Pre-processing (Sketch)


Date: January 2007
What does it do: Enter the x-y coordinate pair into the table to create the points or lines in the sketch and save them into the sketch named “fromXY”.

Abaqus/CAE Pre-processing (Datums)

Macro for Creating Datum Points

Date: Augustus 2006
What does it do: Create a series of datum points in a part or an assembly by reading a list of coordinates from a CSV file.


4RealSim has a team with decades of experience in developing Python scripts. Contact sales@4realsim.com to ask for our help to automate tasks in Abaqus/CAE.