Webinar – Introduction to HyperX (Stress analysis and sizing optimization)
23 May, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Free for European engineers
– For European prospects –
4RealSim welcomes you to attend our webinar Introduction to HyperX webinar. HyperX software provides engineers an automated framework to perform classical, industry standard aerospace failure analyses with margin-of-safety reporting for metal and composite airframes. Using these analyses, HyperX seamlessly performs structural sizing to minimize weight for the lightest manufacturable design of: laminates, ply shapes, sandwich panels, composite stiffened panels, metal machined grid-stiffened panels; fastened and bonded joints.
What is HyperX?
HyperX is a companion to your finite element solver for performing rapid closed form and detailed stress analysis for hundreds of analytical failure methods to thousands of FEA load cases. Using these analyses, HyperX performs sizing optimization to determine the lightest weight combination of material systems and panel cross-sectional dimensions (height, stiffener spacing) including layup ply angles and stacking sequences.
The HyperX workflow, analyses, and generated designs are agnostic to your preferred FEA and CAD products. As such, resulting panel and joint sized designs are automatically updated in both your FEM and CAD models, fully connecting the digital thread.
Why use HyperX?
To enable structural analysis and design teams to reduce weight, shorten development schedules, improve producibility and expedite the airframe certification process for composite & metal structures.
As a stress framework, the software standardizes your analysis and design process. Your company legacy methods can easily be customized into HyperX using its analysis plugin and API technology. For both HyperX native methods and your plugged-in methods, the software provides powerful interactive data traceability and generates Excel and Word stress reports along with equations and margin summaries. HyperX gets your engineering work done faster and consistently.
When to use HyperX?
The earlier the better… because HyperX provides “one source of truth” consistency from conceptual design all the way to final analysis certification. HyperX ensures that consistent data is used from project start to end with its database that contains your project’s material systems, laminate families, fastener vendor data, analysis policies, and design rules. The benefit is that you can avoid unexpected problems and weight growth as the design matures.
There are many capabilities specifically provided for each design phase: from conceptual to preliminary design review (PDR), all the way to critical design review (CDR) and part release.
Where is HyperX used?
HyperX software is used by individual engineers or by entire engineering departments following the enterprise workflow with shared databases. Users come from industry (large OEMs and startups) and government (NASA and the Air Force Research Lab), as well as universities.
Applications include Space launch vehicles, reusable rockets, (specializing in fairings, pressurized fuel tanks, intertanks, thrust structures, and fins); commercial airframes, business jets, and eVTOLs in the UAM and AAM markets (specializing in fuselage, wing, and empennage structures); and high-performance composites such as bike frames and high-performance vehicles.
Intended for
– Aerospace stress engineers
– Aerospace simulation managers
– Aerospace certification managers
HyperX, Structural Analysis and Design Software for Aerospace
HyperX helps aerospace companies to
– Reduce structural weight
– Shorten the Development Schedule
– Improve Design Producibility
– Achieve Airframe Certification