Simulate nonlinear motion of any mechanical system

Predict and visualize motion, coupling forces and stresses

Analyze complete frequency range

From static to full transient nonlinear analyses

Simpack: multibody simulation

Simpack is a general multibody simulation software which enables you to simulate the non-linear motion of any mechanical or mechatronic systems. With Simpack you can generate and solve virtual 3D models in order to predict and visualize motion, coupling forces and stresses.

Main capabilities

Complete frequency range, from static to full transient non-linear analyses

Take all influences from different codes into account on the system behavior

SIMPACK can handle “stiff” dynamic systems

Suitable for shock contact

Simpack advantages

    Investigate extreme transient phenomena within all application fields
    • Gear changing
    • Emergency breaking
    • Loss of contact
    Consider any external influences on the system
    • Ground disturbances
    • Aerodynamic
    Take internal dynamics and control into account

Simpack simulation software is particularly well-suited for high frequency transient analyses, even into the acoustic range. Simpack was primarily developed to handle complex nonlinear models with flexible bodies and harsh shock contact.

SIMPACK is used in the following industries






HiL / SiL


Wind energy

4RealSim: SIMPACK information

Contact 4RealSim via the contact form to obtain more information on SIMPACK.

4RealSim is a SIMULIA value solutions partner of Dassault Systèmes in Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Furthermore 4RealSim offers SIMPACK trainings and Finite Element consulting services.

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